Which wallet is safe to hold my xcn

Please recommend best wallet

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you want to stake too ? or just hodl in wallets which are not centralised

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Metamask !! and dont click on unkown links , dont allow unkown txns amd best is get a hw wallet .ledger

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Ledger or decent. Which one is better?

Thanks. I will use ledger

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get a ledger bro . these days even dex wallets are not safe . ledger is important

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and dont buy from amazon plz . alwys use official website


Thanks. I will use ledger!


true i know someone who bought ledger from reddit or somewhere and it was already compromised sad

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Lmao imagine buying a wallet from reddit

:rofl: :joy:some people keep doing funny stuffs

No I’m scared of buying wallets thank you guys.

:smiling_face_with_tear: :smiling_face_with_tear:official website is trustable

lmfao dont be scared ser . trust the original websites and stores

how many of you have physical wallets?

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Yeah I have 2 .Gonna buy the latest one from ledger too next month .it’s too comfortable to use

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nice man . how much it cost

basically all wallets are the same. The only difference is the wallet words such as metamask, trust wallet, ledger. In other words, you can log in from your trust wallet with 12 words in your Metamask wallet. You can use any of these. Trust wallet is the best in terms of usage, but definitely keep the words well DON’T LOSE them

Without Physical wallet , nothing is safe

Physical wallets and wallets such as Trust wallet metamask work with exactly the same logic. The important thing is not to share words with anyone