I was just very curious about the staking

This is the basic desire of a person for a better life, but how you achieve it is important. Doing it by working and doing it with knowledge will make it permanent.

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Our fate depends on our efforts, that’s an obvious fact.

If you look at social media, there are already countless examples, even in the crypto community.

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This desire also enables us to do useful things, so it is very valuable to me.

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Many people will definitely learn this by experiencing it.

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This is one of the reasons why these markets are in such demand.

Wealth also comes from benefiting someone else (for example, selling a useful invention or product). So, if you serve someone else, you will be rewarded as prosperity.

That’s why we need to find and use things that will provide mutual benefit.

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well Onyx protocol is still that platform

Does staking xcn have any lock up period?

NOPE .best thing about xcn staking

Why wouldnt everybody stake 100% of their holdings? Whats the risk?

staking always comes with some risk and people try to be safe than sorry

Nial - pls elaborate specific to xcn risks

risks are even with Fds in banks , doesnt mean you stop using them the risk is very rare of protocol hack and staking wallet hacks . its very rare