I was just very curious about the staking

One thing that keeps this crypto community alive is its high engagement rate.

This is the way to get and participate in new trends and possible profits

Yes, he doesnā€™t know, but the fact is that even if he knows, this alone is not enough. Applying and managing emotions is personal.

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If people can control these emotions and excesses, they will survive in the market. Discipline and strategy are essential.

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TREND IS MY FRIEND this word is valid for our market but also for the world.

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There are many people who do not know, but those who know and have the ability to apply it are very few.

This is all about personal development. A person must educate himself and keep up with the times. He must know philosophy and how the system works.

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Trends occur in every period and under every condition, and it takes skill to see them.

Those who canā€™t implement it benefit those who can anyway, and this cycle continues like this forever.

Absolutely, knowledge is power and no amount of money can buy knowledge or force it to teach you, you have to make yourself open to learning. There is no wealth without knowledge, but it will only last a short time.

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Thatā€™s what wealth is, the ability to catch trends and opportunities in advance.

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This is definitely an immutable rule and should be taken into consideration.

For example, people who win the lottery or inherit money usually become poor immediately. Knowledge is needed to manage money, one money is never enough.

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I think that every person has this ability, we only know the opportunities within his knowledge.

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This is a very good example, this is exactly what Iā€™m talking about.

A knowledgeable poor man can attain wealth, but an ignorant rich manā€™s path will always be poverty.

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Thatā€™s why information is a very important factor. Even a little information can change a personā€™s life.

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This is the common goal of many people in the crypto community, to change their lives and raise their standards.

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Our destiny is also determined by our knowledge, that is, we must work in knowledge. In short, the end of a personā€™s life without labor is certain, so we must work and do our best.

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This is an undoubted fact. Iā€™m sure many people have experienced this.

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