Zealy sprint ended?

what impact it left on the marketing ? any opinions

Twitter had good impact imo

zealy plays good role in marketing . i wish 2nd version of it also comes .

yes ended . next will be announced too .


ended and winners announced too

any user of Forum won ? :grinning: :grinning:

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:smiling_face_with_tear: :smiling_face_with_tear:dont think so . no such named users are here

The first Zealy campaign is finished and a new will begin, verry soon
Stay tuned


it will have same tasks ? or something different ?

true . should be totally differnt with old one and more interactive with the platform of onyx

only interaction can happen when they hold xcn

We will see :eyes:
The standard tasks will be there
Soon you will know

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I think the campaign brought only freeloaders and idiots. Sorry but it’s just my opinion

lmfao . thats harsh but somewhat its true . we all know

memba times when Deepak made huge giveaways? I memba

what is memba ? lol