When we can be listed on Binance /?

what you guys think about binance listing . is it possible this year ?


Deepak said that he wouldn’t speculate on this subject and that all the latest rumors about the listing weren’t true

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Hmmm . so they are not stepping in right now for listing on binance

Nobody will talk about it. Listing will happen suddenly and imperceptibly

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thank you for giving me hopium

slowly but surely one day it will happen guys

shill our xcn to cz on twitter . he may get attention xD

i will talk to cz in this matter dont worry

lmao . you are brother of cz or what

when it will be right time it will be listed bro . dotn rush …i need minm 30x before listing on binance

It will be listed when it will be ready… Soon

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Yeah mate .Cant wait for that day but i want minm 15x before binance listing