What will be end of year price of XCN

what do you guys think about this ? what will be eoy price


Depends on overall roadmap of the project dude.lets wait for 12 may 2023

True . v2 update will make things more crystal clear and future may be bright from there on

Nobody knows that. I believe in a strong pump


everybody wants that mate .lfg

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dont care about price man . we will be alright , many things are coming for xcn . we wll be in top 30 / 40 coin


0.1 usd soon bro. i believe so


0.1 will be good man . as dcaed down and have big bag now

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how much ? big dude .tell us are you a whale

i am bullish on XCN no matter how much time it takes.im diamond hands holder


I think , xcn last V2 roadmap , will a pump 0.07 $ .
I am big holder . I believe. Lets go

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V2 roadmap release won’t do much, but the further will affect the price 100%

why you think so . V2 is a good update right ?

Obviously v2 gonna change the future of xcn .Those who are scared about price i will say stay patient.We will be alright