What is the future of Onyx?

Yesterday Alex held an AMA where he announced a lot of new vision. What do you think about the future of the project?


I think May 10th will be epic. I feel the ceiling here is unlimited right now.

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:innocent: :star_struck:True AMA was good and many more things will be crystal clear on 10 May

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Future of onyx is bright and strong :sunglasses:

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patiently waiting for 10 may for v2 and new roadmap

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Sega’s AMA session will be interesting


im excited about that too . lets see whats his roadmap for the community

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Ahha . so you guys have overall good feelings from alex and sega nice

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I definitely have really good feelings about it. Alex’s prior background is super solid from what I can research. That picture floating around on twitter with him and CZ add the icing on the cake. Sega seems very ambitious and engaged. We will be way better positioned because of them imo.