What are future plans?

Hii @alex @VtOnyx what are your future plans for onyx ? will you guys still work on the provided roadmap or it has been dropped from the plans ?

what about marketing . no marketing . how things will escalate without +ve marketing


As there is no budget and no head of DAO, all the power comes to the community.
Awaiting proposals from the community.


:smiling_face: :smiling_face: i wish i would have 100 m xcn to create proposal

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Share your opinion here, maybe someone with 100 million xcn will be impressed and make an offer. What do you think?

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wow thats some good advise !! i will think about it and share here


lets share each of us our good ideas and proposals to make onyx best

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1st feedback will be instant launch of mUSD after on chain voting of this stable coin proposal