What amount of $ left in Gas refund wallet?

Anyone can answer please

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will track this months gas refund wallet

:ok_hand: ok sir . Let me know once you find one

true , best way

Combined with prior refunds, we have now disbursed around $10,000 USD which leaves $90,000 USD for future gas refunds

Interesting , so with this average we last 5 more months i suppose

easily unless there will be huge upside move in eth and its gas prices

There are definitely still a lot of refunds to be paid. Active users trading on the platform are very lucky, and it is a great opportunity for new participants :sunglasses:

feel , the wallet should be revealed to public which sends the gas fee

Agree .

I think we still have a lot left. I will look out for the figure to know the exact amount

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i will say dont think that much , just keep using the features provided till you can xD

I estimate an additional $80k on average. As more participants are involved, more distribution will follow.

Onyx Protocol offers great opportunities with many events. Active participants should participate in as many events as they can. Onyx will continue to develop and earn with the Community.

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