Wen v2 of onyx market

Hi @alex havent heard from you from long time . can we get to know till when v2 will be live ?


This month, January.


any deadline of specific date please

its so big month alex :grinning: :smiley:

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Woah, would be awesome💯

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I’m curious about the answer to this as well.

onyx community needs it very badly to stand out in this market

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Onyx v2 is in development, and expected to go live in January, as it planned.


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Hey seen the release date?
Feb 12th :fire:

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:muscle: Launching: February 12th

Where is the best place to follow what is going on? There isn’t much content or following to Onyx so I’m just trying to get informed.

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Alex The head of Dao stays most active here . so its a good platform

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be online here for all updates

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i prefer here

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:innocent: :innocent:

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