The countdown begins...47 days until @OnyxDAO publishes the OIP for the Onyx Core node program

The countdown begins…47 days until @OnyxDAO publishes the OIP for the Onyx Core node program.

We will gradually release details as we get closer to the OIP date :technologist:

In anticipation, node operators can launch a node using GitHub - Onyx-Protocol/Onyx: Onyx

We anticipate 20~ slots :earth_americas: $XCN

Any one here planning to run node ?

Never really tried these stuffs , but i would love to try . will look into it

Let me know once you find all the procedure

Yes 100% planning to, i know i don’t have to be a programmer to run a node
step by step i’m in

44 Days :eyes: Market on onyx protocol goes booom

Please share your experience once you setup once and what are details of rewards of running the node .

dunno . 42 days still is a lot of time . hope this wait will be worthy