Terraform Labs' Do Kwon set to be extradited to the U.S., according to local

He defrauded many people and he should definitely be prosecuted

He manipulated the entire market and made millions of dollars of profiteering and still went unpunished.

If the necessary penalties are given, they will prevent new fraudsters.

Almost everyone had terra and many people were hurt

The market was very affected and other products also crashed. It should be arrested.

It’s not completely over but they won’t dare for long anymore

It was an incredible terra madness

He indirectly caused harm to everyone and he still hasn’t paid the price for it.

They never end anyway, they just get repressed

Like the time when tulips were used as money

If he goes to the USA, he will definitely be subjected to severe sanctions and will be punished.

If this were not the case, even people’s lives would be in danger; their suppression would be for the benefit of society.

This is a very good example. Such things happen in every period of history and it is always the people who are harmed.

That’s why the USA is doing important things in terms of legal procedures.

Everyone should fight as much as they can to prevent these events from happening.

That’s why states should raise public awareness. If the public loses, the state also loses.

Every state should take an example, but most of them serve their own wishes and interests.

If the people and the state support each other, security always increases and risks decrease.

definitely People = state