Returning funds to accounts will increase confidence to deposit funds

It’s a win-win for all to return funds to accounts as soon as possible. There is a reluctance to deposit funds now because this is not a settled issue. I certainly won’t until funds are put back in account, I’m not seeing overwhelming new deposits in the v2 release so far. More deposits, more returns. Still good progress, but more is needed.


This is the end goal of v2 and recovery plan i suppose , so surely affected users will be reimbursed

I would like to move my deposits in v1 to v2.

Launching a new version, while the v1 depositers are still stuck in the old version, yielding nothing for months, is a not so good plan.

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whats bad in this ?

Pretty sure that will done , with v2 launch .
But I haven’t heard of any specific date yet.

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exactly . patience needed .

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i hope we will get any specific date

Still waiting on returning of funds to my account. I will NOT perform any more deposits until my current funds are returned and made whole


Exactly. This is what I have been pushing for since day 1.

Good Luck Bro !! i hope it will be soon



increase the profits of protocol and reimbursement quickly than what proposed 5 years


I think that it’s better to reimbursh quicker when the market is in a bull, the estimated time (4 years) is way too slow and when the market is in the bear, the sell pressure of plan will damage the token’s market performance.



We should get a proposal up for using the treasury XCN to recover the v1 funds. According to it’s still there.
V1 users could add to v2, and XCN locked would be like a token burn, which will pump price.


how its still there ? i cant understand . hacker already sold them and sent to mixer

Hello @alex,

Since, I supplied after the hack and just before V2, will I get a full refund or is it going to be in part over 5 years?

Also, are there any plans on allowing small investor to put up a proposal, which the majority of us are? The current system is not empowering the Onyx community members.


bro staking is not impacted pre hack nor post hack . it was supplying xcn on v1 market which has been impacted

too much confusing lol . community needs to be more aware


There is no guarantee that XCN supplied after the hack will be refunded, but the community moderators maintain the list of such cases.

To create a proposal, one wallet owns 100M XCN, that’s how the protocol works.
To change the rule, it’s also through an on-chain proposal. :slight_smile:

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