Onyx Spartans Ambassador Programme!

Do you have what it takes to be an Onyx Ambassador? :white_check_mark:

Today, we open applications for the Onyx Spartans Ambassador Programme! :wave:

We want to connect and engage with a wide variety of regional ambassadors who have experience in web3 and DeFi that are passionate about Onyx Protocol and want to help us in our journey. :large_blue_circle:

Ambassadors will be eligible for a share of a $4000 pot per month depending on their contributions. More details to follow - look out for our upcoming blog post :mag_right:

If you would like to apply, the link is here! :radio_button:

Good luck!


Nice one . Ambassadors do some good wok .
Alsow welcome VT on Forum


Anyone can apply ? or there is some minimum requirement >?

Great initiative team . Lets rock this quarter


ahaaa . finally we have ambassador programe here . good luck

hii @vt
Is having a large followers on social media is necessary ?

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:blush: :smiling_face: Good one team .

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should be selected like all ambassadors should represent different parts of world . not just one - two country

Join AMA guys on 31st july

A much awaited AMA is finally here . Great