Onyx Protocol Development Updates: August–September Overview


yeah some updates are good like wallet connect issues and time left thing on voting page . good one

Any updates on new assets listing ?

@VtOnyx whats plan for zealy after 31 october

whats the update regarding staking ?

It’s inspiring to see the continuous progress and commitment to innovation in the DeFi space. Looking forward to the future with Onyx team!


we all are here to support the Onyx . Hope it will be worth

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:blush: :face_with_monocle: wen bull run ? lol

Patience young jedi

I think it was a great period of time!:comet:
During that month Onyx Protocol got many new experience. It had a lot of new updates. Besides, thousands of members joind the project🫂
My wish this month is for the project to grow as fast or even faster! :heart:

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:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :innocent:

One thing is certain, we can only build from here!

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There is no looking back . strong and keep building for better crypto world

We support the best protocol in the field of defi, it is definitely worth it. Onyx has a lot of potential, we need to uncover the gem

This was a good update

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agree , but still waiting for more upgrades on given roadmap

Development, development and development :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Can’t wait to see what’s next

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This is exactly the secret of success. Life never flows backwards, so everything that grows will survive and grow stronger. just like onyx

we all are waiting for that .