Onyx Gas Refund Program

According to the blog at Onyx Gas Refund Program - OnyxProtocol Onyx Dao set up the Onyx Gas Refund Program, which states Every week on Friday 00:00 UTC, the protocol will distribute, out of the remaining funds, any Ethereum gas fees used to interact with any Onyx smart contracts that utilize the protocol. Specifically, it will refund those fees to supply, borrow, mint, stake, claim, and repay on Onyx. My question is where do the refunds go and in what asset? Is it paid in ETH or XCN and where is the refund sent, back to say Metamask or the wallet used during the transactions or does it stay on site?

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This goes out every Friday, the first being this Friday (today depending on where you are in the world) and is paid in ETH. There is $100k USD allocated.

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Thanks for clarifying that Brother, I was 24 hours ahead on my interpretation of time zones. So its 7PM eastern according to this: UTC to EST Converter - Convert Universal Time to Eastern Time - World Time Buddy

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**hi there , no refund received so far,
Distribution completed or still in progress? **

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I received my gas refund with no issue, thank you for this initiative

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Thx for the heads ups, but no,
Seems an issue with staking and voting transactions not being listed on the history list. Admin is looking in to it.

Ok, just trying to get this resolved, this past week I purposely only re-staked and didnt touch my eth wallet other than that so I could watch for the gas reimbursement and I definately have not gotten anything as of now. the same last tx show from claiming, authorizing and staking, nothing after that. Unless the gas reimburements didnt go out this week? My wallet I left with the same low amount of .0215 ETH is the same. There should have been an incoming tx for 0.00891472 ETH, that didnt happen. Are they not reimbursing staking activities?, they shouldn’t have put that out in the article if not. If they are how come some people arent getting it? I know a few others that havent gotten it either from staking activities as well and asked if I had gotten mine. Not complaining, just trying to clarify this as others will be expecting to see the same from staking and that Medium article that was issued.

Curious, did you get yours this past Friday the 17th or 18th?

Had to ask and remind some times before they arranged the refund for staking and voting.
They arranged for me on a Wednesday i believe.

Did not receive the gas for withdrawal although this is also interacting with the protocol.
Gas refund for staking and gov seems not so well organized ,you will have to request when not received

Where did you request? Via email?

via telegram chat at first , after that via dm james, craig or another mod
Good luck!

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Thank you, all straight now.

Gas refunds should now be fully up to date and refunded, any outstanding refunds, please DM @itsonthechain using Telegram.

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This initiative is super cool, I’m not ready to pay hundreds of dollars for each transaction

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haha . Eth gas fees sucks for real .but currently its not 100 $ for one txn .may be 5-10 $

How much is left? Really interesting

A week or two ago they said that 94k left or something