New Language Support: We’re Speaking Turkish Now!


Nice one / LIRA is currently tha no.1 currency being converted to the crypto

why only turkish and not other local languages ? any reason

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

@Pam will this feature will be just for turkish language ?

There will come more in future, for now Turkish is first out


Makes sense . will be waiting for more details around this

Really great move by Team, I hope soon Onyx will support many more languages :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I feel they have a large community that supports OnyxProtocol. This is just a start. With time, I hope to see it spread to other languages

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This is massive and a good development. A big thanks to the team for the foresight

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Indeed a very nice step .

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LIRA has an important place in terms of volume, the Turkish community is equally strong, and it will be in the interest of Onyx to receive their support.

Other languages are added over time. The Turkish community is one of the most active communities and that community language was added first.

Since the onyx protocol is decentralized, every language is valued equally. More languages will be added to the platform over time. It is normal for the one with the most users to be added first.

Certainly, the power of the Turkish community is great and should not be underestimated, their contribution to the project is great.

It makes sense to add the language with the most demand. Other languages will be added over time. Demand is the most important factor.

This is exactly the spirit of decentralization. Everything and everyone is equal. That’s why those who maintain this line play an important role in the future of defi.

That’s why the onyx team made a smart move.

Awesome… Love thr expansion💪

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great addition for more reach across the globe , looking forward to more language additions :100:

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