New features and Assets on onyx

Hey @alex hope you are doing great and as you said research is going well in june . we as a community will be looking for more assets on onyx and features too in coming months .

Yeah dude . we need updates to survive in this heavy competitive world of crypto .

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I agreed. I am working to provide new features.
We hired a full-time dev, it will facilitate.


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star_struck:

Interesting . excited to see what will be new features on the platforms

first priority should be working on the roadmap . It shows the discipline of team @alex . please stand upon the roadmap

And Layer 2 should be on high priority .

For layer 2 i think OP is best . coinbase and binance both building its layer 2 on optimism

why not Arb ? any specific reason

Arb is too crowded i feel . and Op is quite old and has good team who are willing to build always not like arb

Yeah . Priority should be Working on Roadmap and deliver it on time

Arbitrum’s TVL has been consistently higher post airdrop, reaching its peak in mid-April at $4.32 billion so far .

Yes there will be new features coming to Onyx and are currently being worked on . We have our roadmap as Guide .


Thanx for the reply dude . i will be waiting for new things on onyx

what new features can we expect sir ?