My supplied XCN is missing?

Thats what FTX is doing and most of protocols which gets affected

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I think it’s from different contract.
The hacker depleted the v1 contracts, and it not possible to withdraw the supplied funds.

I agree that USD value at the time of incident is not the best option for v1 users. Especially when you look at the current bull market.
Other side, it’s realistic and predictable, and a general practice.

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Dear @alex & Team,

I’m shocked to see, how your team came up with this idea. We put so much trust in you guys and gave our money and you guys have let us down.

If you guys are thinking of refunding based on USD value instead of XCN coin quantity, then what’s the purpose of trading crypto?

I supplied after the hack, only a few weeks before the V2 project started. The only reason, we did not withdraw was because we placed our trust in you guys. All I see you guys doing is making us pay for the XCN lost in the hack, as if losing the rewards was not enough for us.

Since the majority of the coins are held by your team, you guys get all your ideas approved and executed and we find that an imbalance of power. Please stop this now and return us the XCN based on the quantity we supplied.



Thank you for the message.

You will get your XCN in full (in XCN value).

Why did you supply XCN after the hack?
Devs warned users in the app that supplying and withdrawing are affected by the hack.
We told users that the only safe option is XCN staking and voting.

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Hi @alex , I thought I’m holding and supplying xcn it wasn’t affected from he hack in Pepe market. Can I get returns xcn with Xcn value?


Yes, according to the reimbursement plan, you’ll receive same XCN as you supplied.

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Return with XCN value? Or USD value? For example I was supplying 10 XCN, mean I will receive same 10 XCN is it correct?

yes mate for xcn its 1=1 xcn . but for other assets its $ value at the time of hack



Yes, it’s correct.

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:sunglasses: :sunglasses:

looks like so everyone got reimubersed already

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Yes, reimbursement process is ongoing.

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how many users so far reimbursed ? any data


I don’t have this information.

from where i can gather this information .