Musd airdrop to xcn stakers


what is criteria ?

anticipating on this . lfg


Stay tuned!

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:saluting_face: :saluting_face:

Hope airdrop will include suppliers because supplied XCN is part of reimbursement

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No i dont think so that will be case . staking and supplying is diffrnt case

staked my part . lfg


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waiting for more details regarding it

@alex when more info sir ?

only 4 Million staked so far

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out of 48 M mcap 4 million staked not bad / we are early

:ok_hand: :ok_hand:

wanted to ask about apr . this time the apr is fixed i.e 38 % ? or its dynamic


till when sir ? its already 11 days

:neutral_face: :neutral_face:

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its moving along with price