JUST IN: OKX takes a bold step, announcing the delisting of nearly all privacy tokens

:rotating_light: JUST IN: OKX takes a bold step, announcing the delisting of nearly all privacy tokens.

Starting Dec 27, deposits for $FSN, $ZKS, $CAPO, $CVP, $XMR, $DASH, $ZEC, and $ZEN will cease, with their trading pairs also getting removed

As regulation comes in, innovation dies.
All centralised exchanges are de-listing any privacy related tokens, because privacy is seen as too risky by the regulators.

privacy coins are one of the most important things in decentralization

Taking them off is kind of like shooting yourself in the leg.

Regulations have to be more tolerant towards decentralized products, so that they can regulate the market and not disrupt harmony and harmony.

It’s been like this since the beginning

The negative effects of this will definitely be felt by the crypto community.

The war on decentralization and privacy has also been waged on the crypto community. And this community is much stronger than thought

Even if regulations come, they will have to be regulated according to the interests of the community.

The crypto community becomes very strong by being united when necessary. No one would dare to declare war on such a community.

Regardless of the sector, regulations should have people’s interests and meaningless restrictions should be avoided.

we are going in a totally different direction in crypto space .