Hi @VtOnyx , has onyxcore been audited or there will be any proposal for auditing ?
not sure about Onyxcore but The Onyx Staking, Governance, Reward, and MasterChef Contracts have been reaudited by Peckshield
May be we will go through a OIP again for audit of the core . what do you say @OnyxDAO
Kinda true , 35 days to go , we may see series of OIPs coming on way to execute onyx core
There is still more than 1 month left and many changes and adjustments can be made during this time. You can be sure that Onyx will make all the adjustments transparently and safely.
I don’t think we have much info on Onyx Core audit. Let’s wait for the OIPs to go live for Onyx Core. Im pretty sure it will be audited and gone through safe checks before going live.
it should be and must to ensure the safety .