India has announced plans to develop global rules for crypto regulation

India, which chairs the G20, intends to develop a common regulatory framework for all countries to deal with cryptocurrency risks.

knew it . it was coming as g20 meet will be happening in India this year

In India there’s an increased tax on crypto. India can’t be trusted to regulate cryptocurrencies globally

Not sure that we need global crypto regulation tbh.

every year they push it , lets see what will be reaction of other countries .

We need El Salvador to develop global rules for crypto regulation

it is not even member of G20 :slight_smile:

but it’s the most crypto friendly country in the world

true it is , UAE is too , but you need to be member of g20 to discuss at that place

is UAE a member of G20?

The G20 comprises Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, EU, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, UK and USA.

no UAE is not G20 member

Good for Indians IMO . atleast regulate and stop looting in form of 30 % crypto tax . this is too much

They will make it even more than 30% if they stick to their ‘plan’

I see, thank you for information

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Damn . that will badly affect the new projects and developments in indian crypto space

wow so many replies. thank you guys.

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onyx forum getting bigger slowly slowly but surely