Improving stats

Holders and staking continues an impressive ramp up.

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Indeed. I think every holder should stake their $xcn I mean there is no reason not to. You get an impressive APR with no lock up period. Plus you get gas refunds it’s literally free compounding gains.

I’m bullish on staking. Definitely going to fill my bags this week. Let’s fucken go

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Gas refund programme is working .

Yup gas refund program definitely gives people motivation to stake their $XCN otherwise some people miss out on insane APR due to high gas fees. I personally try to spread as much awareness as possible about gas fee program so everyone can stake.

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The repayment of gas fees already offers an incredible profit opportunity. These networks are expensive and can cost people a lot of money. But thanks to the repayments, it offers the opportunity to make very high profits without Lock and repays all the fees while making transactions. We are talking about thousands of dollars in repayments for those who use the platform for a long time. Those who do not use Onyx are definitely losing a lot.

X Coins going higher and higher just a taster . See you guys post trump era

yes, i agree with you @Andreww there’s literally no point , not putting your XCN in use.

wow that’s why we are see increasing the price of XCN. Good chance and opportunity for XCN holders for me also

i love to see that alot of people are now staking their token as they now see the value onyx provide

The massive volume and price increase had to be Institutional buyers. Reason:

  1. Volume was unbelievablely massive and continues
  2. Number of coins staked actually went down. Dont think instl would stake.

just in 9 days


Thanks to Xcn incentives, people have started to realize the opportunities offered by Onyx and they are helping us expand our community by taking advantage of the Project. This situation is reflected in the figures statistically and it produces very positive results. Our access to the targeted communities from the beginning is expanding and this will continue unabated. It is a privilege to be in Onyx

And truly, this is just the beginning, cant just wait for CORE

share this again , updated version

It’s only gotten better…

:relieved: :wink: