Important question's to the community and XCN team?

Hi Everyone & @alex,

I provided some supply and am looking to provide more supply as I get paid.

Do I get those XCN back after the update to V2, and if so, do we also get interest rewards during this period while the update is being done?

Are there any plans to have XCN listed on Binance?

Would there be a compounding feature that would automatically re-supply or re-invest the interest reward for us?

Is the community looking to reduce the number of coins by burning and also limiting the maximum supply?

What is the expected capped APY for XCN supply after the update to v2?

Everyone’s participation and suggestions are welcome.

Thank you


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Thank you for your input.

Do I get those XCN back after the update to V2, and if so, do we also get interest rewards during this period while the update is being done?

Supplied XCN, if you are unable to withdraw them, is a part of v2 reimbursement.
XCN rewards are not longer valid in the v1.
“do we also get interest rewards during this period while the update is being done?” — No.

Are there any plans to have XCN listed on Binance?

We are always looking for cooperation, but Onyx doesn’t pre-announce any of them. Stick to the official news channels.

Would there be a compounding feature that would automatically re-supply or re-invest the interest reward for us?

Probably no.

Is the community looking to reduce the number of coins by burning and also limiting the maximum supply?

Onyx community already had voting on this Onyx Protocol
After the hack, the DAO sees the Treasury as a source for reimbursement, and doesn’t have plans for burns.

What is the expected capped APY for XCN supply after the update to v2?

It’s a subject to many factors, including the Supply/ Borrow curve. No estimates now.


Thank you, @alex, for your prompt response.


:face_with_spiral_eyes: :cowboy_hat_face:

any plan to burn token in fufture ?

Part of his answer
" Onyx community already had voting on this Onyx Protocol
After the hack, the DAO sees the Treasury as a source for reimbursement, and doesn’t have plans for burns".

from which wallet you want burn to happen ?