I have a theory about the twitter haters

It is an absolute joke how persistent the couple haters that troll twitter are and attempt to wreck any positive post about XCN. They utilize multiple accounts to loophole around blocks and filters. I am starting to think they may be from a competitor trying to destroy Onyx Protocol. I’m not sure if legal action could be taken against them, but they are definitely defaming XCN and negatively affecting investor value.


actually its kinda of marketing by them lol . its good engagement

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hopefully they will get tired soon of fudding

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Ignore noise and focus on development . only way to achieve success

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whats the solution to stop it ? you have any suggestion ? :zipper_mouth_face:

A solid price reversal would definitely shut a few up

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Indeed . or may be some awesome usecases of onyx . because its not about price everytime .

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Agreed, for the hardened investors who understand how capital is raised and utilized to become a better project the short term price is irrelevant, but imo 90 percent of investors don’t really care about true fundamentals and invest with a expectation of immediate profit. Essentially a project should find a happy medium and still be able to appeal to short term investors also. Short term investors bring volume, volume gets attention and that attention brings in longvterm investors.

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Well said brother . I think you are experienced investor


:smiling_face_with_tear: :smiling_face_with_tear: Market pump can change each negative narrative . you are right


I wonder why they are so desperate to destroy Onyx? What is their motivation? What is the point of destroying such a new project?

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May be paid fudders . bcz they make multiple alts accounts . its not natural


Ok, so there is paid fudders? But why paying to destroy such a new project? Do they even know that the more they fud, the more people know how good the project is? The team keep making progress while getting fudded does mean something, right?

its too skeptical to say that there are paid fudders , but i have also observed some same users creating multiple account to fud regularly

Hi everyone, I have seen these posts too on Twitter but they are much fewer than the positive posts. Now with all the ambassadors the narrative is more turned around. I am new here on the forum and looking forward knowing you better. I learned about Onyx on TwitterX so though to reply here first to show my support.