How to resolve the hacked funds?

What are the plans to make the users whole?

I think the recovery proposal was passed for this purpose

Recovery Proposal 5: Onyx v2 Launch targeting the primary markets this is it

Yes it was passed

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Any idea when all users will be reimbursed ?

after v2 gets live and market starts its operation

yes you are right, FEBRUARY is pretty close to us

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I woudl like an answer on this @alex

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:neutral_face: :expressionless:

@alex Share the numbers with the DAO of what is stolen en what numbers are left in the V1 protocol so can make a new proposal about it.

Your proposal screws the v1 users badly.


The hacker depleted everything from v1 contracts, ~2M.
You can see the list of contracts here: Networks - Onyx Protocol

Your proposal screws the v1 users badly.

I didn’t propose anything.
I’ve posted the proposals which came from the community. In total 5 proposals.

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did hacker sell them ?


Sent them to a mixer.

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