Hey! Alex, things can't work without being the leader. You need to go back

Sounds like the community needs a leader again?

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facts man. community oriented sounds so weird and directionless


@alex consider this sir



Thank you for your suggestion.

This time is a chance for the Onyx community to show itself.

The leader-centric approach also has flaws.

Though, it may be a good idea to choose a new leader through on-chain voting.


lol its very hard to trust and new face who will opt for being a community leader :slight_smile:

The community has showed itself man… nothings happening. Directionless. And that will not change without a captain. Its not impressive nor is it easy to even get anything done. Please lead again.

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I know that currently community developers working on the app update and MUSD.
I can’t say the release date, but let’s see what will happen?

Then we can make conclusions.

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:pray: :pray: exactly

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Better now focus on the development of the protocol .