Has Sega left onyx protocol?

True sir :woozy_face:

We wish Sega success. If it is Vt, let’s say good luck. I think he will do his job in the best way possible. I wish you continued success.

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:partying_face: :partying_face:

Yes for sure, Sega left us but here we are being presented with a vibrant and smart working Onyx team member/player named VT.


:sunglasses: :alien:

Vt is very good at this and does its job very well. We wish you continued success

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From now on, Vt will contribute to the project by doing its best. Bd side is in safe hands everything will be great

He was a good friend of mine, and as far as I know him, he takes his life seriously, and due to some family reasons, he decided to leave crypto. It’s not just about Onyx; I hope he is doing great in his life after retirement from crypto/web3 ecosystem