From which products do you earn apy on the onyx platform?

Write below which products you use on the platform and make money from.


From the APY perspective, I like XCN staking, which also give a possibility to vote.

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GUSD and USDP looks pretty good for stablecoins. Already added some USDP to Onyx. I hope the APY will stay the same for this year. 23% is too nice to not stake.

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you get 23 % on stable coin ?
fr ?

Yes, Xcn is very advantageous in this respect and long-term holders can thus find the opportunity to increase their quantity.

For stablecoins, this rate is truly enormous. I think many people who do not use the platform are missing out on a lot of opportunities. Moreover, transaction fees are free

Yeah? GUSD and USDP looks juicy right now. Jump on the train before too late. Btw, this isnt APY with XCN but normal APY.


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Gonna try this lol :cowboy_hat_face:easy monies

It is possible to get much more with the Xcn boost. Let’s make the most of the opportunities

That’s right, my friend. Most exchanges reduce APY rates and they are not safe. ONYX allows us to earn safely with its decentralized and high APY rates. Both safe and profitable

(post deleted by author)

I am making Xcn Stake and the quantity is important to me as I will keep it for the long term.

These rates offer really good rates and risk-free earning opportunities compared to stablecoins. Those who have cash should definitely consider it