Exciting Times Ahead for the Onyx Community

It’s a big occasion for all of us as the proposal for the brand revamp has officially been ACCEPTED in the DAO voting! :rocket:

First and foremost, a massive shoutout to the dedicated team behind this transformation. Your hard work, creativity, and vision have paved the way for a brighter and more vibrant future for the Onyx Protocol. The new Brand Book and Design are nothing short of exemplary, capturing the essence of modernity while staying true to our core values.

:tada: Congratulations to each and every one of you! Let’s keep the momentum going! :tada:

Our new brand book with all guidlines👉Onyx_Protocol_Guidlines_v1.0.0.pdf - Google Drive



will there be change in logo ?

kinda waiting for this question ? will logo will be changed

changes are visible i think . the color theme of this graphic

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Well detailed guidelines on the brand revamp. Great work from the team


Work should be rewarded well in the bull run

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From my own point of view
I doubt the Onyx Logo will be changed

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