Excited to be onboard

Hey guys, I’m super excited to be onboard on the forum,

Let’s Get things rolling


heyooo !! how are you welcome on forum

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welcome brother . Nice to see you

hey man . looking forward for awesome journey here

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Yo! Thanks brother


hey Zane! Thanks, Let’s Build!


how you came to know about ONYX ?

Bring some more users here guys . it will be more fun

I’m also new here. Anyone have any resource for me to look at beside the wp and faq?


Hey welcome buddy . you can read out medium articles posted by onyx team .


You guys have any comparison chart to compare between Onyx and competitors like Compound, AAVE, etc? Would love to see one so I can make a fundamental analysis of xCN

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comparison on which factors ? price or something else

Why it has to be price? Why not about other tech things like aggregrated NFT, IPFS, etc. Price always fluctuates depending on the market while technology isn’t. Technology is what drives a project forward

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i will work on something similar

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Good to know. Looking forward to the comparison chart. I hope I can get a better view on what Onyx has and the features competitors dont have

i dont think aave has NFTs integrated yet . we are one step ahead

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Yeah, Onyx is one step ahead but the rest is similar to other projects. Just hope that there will be a killer feature that could outmatch others

Yeah, i don’t think so, but i wont be surprise, they later come up with it

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we have to get bigger in this space before they come. lets make onyx great