Budget allocation for current operations: May–July 2023


The Onyx DAO proposes to allocate a budget for current operations.


With the execution of OIP-11, the Onyx DAO hired a Community Leader and a Head of Business Development. To ensure proper development of the protocol, the Onyx DAO proposes to allocate budget for current operations —

Hiring the rest of the team

The team is essential to maintain and develop the Onyx Protocol, the additional human resources added to the project will enable the continued development of Onyx Protocol. Along with fostering an open source development community, Onyx will support a dedicated team.

  • Frontend developer
  • Fullstack developer
  • System administrator and security engineer
  • Designer
  • Head of BD Assistant, Community Head
  • Community managers, Ambassadors
  • Contractors

65,000,000 XCN.

Infrastructure support

Includes development servers, IPFS access, blockchain nodes.

15,000,000 XCN.


We’ll start with a relatively low marketing budget, researching the possibilities.

  • Voting initiative
  • Social promotions
  • Social visibility
  • Publications
  • Merchandise for partners

35,000,000 XCN.


Total is 115,000,000 XCN.

This budget is accounted for 3 months—May, June, July. The team has chosen a short period of planning because of an ever evolving landscape. It will be reviewed quarterly and the next budget would be proposed before the end of July.

We are opening a discussion of the proposal within the community, and expect to deploy it next week for an official vote.


And all these txns will be publicly available ?

obvsly bro ! Its dao everything is decentralized . hopefully

what do you mean by Voting initiative ?

Publication of what ? sir

cool ! will there be any voting too on this ?

You’ll transactions in blockchain.

Refund a part of ETH fees for voting,
Or we’ll think up other incentive for voting.

Articles about Onyx in media.

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Probably voting start this week at Onyx Protocol

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Looks Good to me . Game must go on

Since we are voting on budget, could you provide clarification about what is going to be built for the next 3 months? What new features?
If we are here talking about cost to maintain platform this seems high given that smart contract code do not need maintenance.
If some new features are going to get developed for the next 3 months, please share. Marketing, ambassadors etc only need to come with new features.

Also why we are not including any additional audit for the next 3 months? I understand DAO members would prefer that to go into salary but we need to think of the best outlook for ONYX protocol, not DAO members


Ok got it . thanx for making it clear

yes but then releasing a budget to the DAO before having an idea about the roadmap isn’t ideal.

I understand your concerns about platform features, and agree that the community wants not DAO Treasury expenses, but the platform development.

Right now, adding new features can break project consistency and complicate further development.

I am concentrated to create an environment where project security will be transparent, project architecture — clear, and in case of bugs we’ll be able to handle them in time.

I’ve replied about roadmap in thread More updates about new roadmap?
Three months is a short period.
One important task for these three month is to improve decentralization, and I expect to see more votes for proposals in result.

About additional security audit, see my opinion Engage a 2nd auditing firm to conduct an audit on ONYX

I would be voting against this. Marketing budget is needed but with Alex being the new head of the DAO and seemingly a CTO of sorts based on the hires, I think I speak for the community when I say I do not support and if this goes to a vote then I will be voting against the other items as I believe he needs to prove his skills first with the platform and bringing new users, the platform is already well designed and competitive with unique offerings. If he proves himself with the existing platform then that would be a different story.

In summary, currently I support a marketing only budget.

Those who are arguing its to much xcn . how we can expect good marketing without funds . doesnt make sense . lets see for this 3 month and will decide about funds after july .

proving skills also need funds these days brother . lets give them chance for may-july and will judge them after july

With the fail of the budget proposal, I’m happy to see real decentralization. We’ll take more time to gather community feedback, leave it here.

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