Another Reimbursement Plan

After further DAO & Community feedback, Onyx DAO will deploy a proposal which will fully reimburse all v1 users, based on dollar amount of their losses at the time of the incident & XCN 1-to-1, in one proposal as opposed to the previous longer plan, to be launched by this month.

whats your response on this this guys ?

dammmm its pretty good that in one time all money will be reimbursed . i gonna support it

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I would think this can not just only help reinstate confidence in the project/team, but also show that this is a project that has gumption. IT’S GOOD NEWS📍


true makes sense

:sunglasses: waiting for the proposal to go live and who is behind the proposal ?

looks good plan of returning in 1 time . Trust will go boom for onyx

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Here it is: Onyx Protocol

I fully agree that if the affected users receive full compensation without any additional conditions, it will immediately restore confidence in the project!


Indeed . that’s how it should have been done from starting though

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