About v2 resuming

I think the details will be shared after the work is completed.

The team is working very well, I hope they will finish it even earlier than expected. we’ll wait and see

Thanks to the efforts of the team, everything will go well and onyx will come back even stronger than before.

It’s too early to talk about this, details will be discussed when the platform becomes old again.

We can’t wait for this to happen and we’re excited.

We will do our best to spread the word when this happens.

We hope this will happen as soon as possible. He will be very excited like a newborn baby

It will definitely happen

The community is looking forward to this and I can feel the excitement from here.

V2 onyx is the most hyped thing right now . good luck to team to stand upon the expectations

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V2 incoming

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They will achieve this and onyx will be reborn from the ashes

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The team is doing their best and I can’t wait for January to make a name for itself again with a great v2.

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I hope we start using it very soon

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The eyes and attention of the community are here

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We have infinite confidence that he will be reborn from the ashes and appear before us better than before.

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I think this will happen in January. Even though there are many technical details, the stove can be put into use.

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you are absolutely right

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January will definitely be an important month and the team will report the good news and developments.

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Eagerly anticipating January with excitement