gentle reminder gents to claim and restake you $XCN and stake more $XCN
Done commander !! We dodl , we stake
What do I need to do to get the gas refund?
In order to get a refund, you need to perform activities such as staking in the onyx platform. I also need to add this. If you remove your assets from the stake before the refund date, you cannot get a refund. When you are sure, you can make all your transactions for free by making a transaction and earn passive income.
You dont need to do anything to get refund . if you perform any staking in month , claim the rewards , you will be automatically eligible for refund by 8th of next month.
Great News! Thanks . I had been staking so wasn’t sure if I needed to do any other steps.
when will be the next gas refund by the way ? any specific date
Current month’s transaction fee refunds will be automatically paid to wallets in the first week of the following month.
Decembers gas refunds for the contracts 0x28CA9CaAE31602D0312Ebf6466c9dD57FCA5da93 and 0x23445c63FeEf8D85956dc0f19aDe87606D0e19A9 contains 467 unique addresses proactively staking and claiming $XCN rewards with 2.57 $ETH in fees
Got my refunds will start restaking rewards again
Thanx Dao
Got it as well… so sweet! To bad it isn’t just auto-compounding!
It is a good and smart move to actively use the onyx Platform. You both make a profit and get back all transaction fees. Smart investors always make a lot of money and onyx offers exactly this opportunity to everyone who wants to take advantage of it. I wish you a lot of profit.
I think auto compounding has perks as well as Cons . its your personal rewards not everyone wants their coins to be controlled by anyone . some may thinks its cool but some may think i should control what i want to do .
Yea I can understand that.