Why price didnt react even after hacking news?

why price didnt react even after hacking news ? this is a big doubt in my mind

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May be it’s because Onyx has loyal community.


You can check Kucoin exchange, XCN dropped sharply for 15 minutes and then recovered.

we got many diamond hands :grinning: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Haha thats true for sure , didnt even thought of selling even after so long hold

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Lots of Diamond hands!
But the recent spike is something to be Joyful about.

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Indeed bruh . and its just start of the run . sellers will regret a lot

Absolutely Onyx protocol has Loyal community members

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how company rewards the loyalty lets see

Diamond hands are holding strong

because we are chads :face_with_peeking_eye: