Recovery Proposal 4: Taking the best of both proposal 1 and 3


This proposal came from the community, and I have nothing to add. I covered all my thoughts in the past audio AMA, it’s recorded, and you can review it again.

If this proposal fails, the DAO will propose a new one, targeting the primary Onyx markets. These will be high-revenue building assets that can help with the ongoing recovery plan.

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What would be the new Proposal?

Can you elaborate on the part about DAO launching a new offering targeting primary Onyx markets?

Your offer was good, but there’s 1 hour left and the votes appear to be against you.

We’ll be looking forward to more details.

If your bid fails, it looks like it will be announced, we will wait.

Only a short time left until the proposal. Voting will fail.

We are waiting for more details on this matter. The community will definitely accept one of the proposals

Everything will become clear after the previous offer expires

It’s never too late until the last moment, results may change until it’s over

We’ve done a lot of voting but we’ll keep going until we find the best one

I do hope if any whales see this and believe in Proposal 4 can vote it in

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unfortunately it is also defeated by big margin

whats now @alex . 4th also defeated . whats going inside you

We keep our fingers crossed

Alex states that he will make a new offer, we will wait.

We will wait for the new offer

The community must now evaluate and accept an offer; no point can be achieved by rejecting all offers.

I hope this proposal will be implemented. The previous 3 proposals were rejected. At the last moment, the vote gap is widening.


Take a look at the Proposal 5: Recovery Proposal 5: Onyx v2 Launch targeting the primary markets

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